Зелена Сцена

Zelena Scena (Green Stage, if translated from Ukrainian) – is a unique Chernihiv cultural project.
Its mission is simple and, at the same time, complicated – to provide an open and free creative space in our city. It is a place for creative communication, a possibility to present one’s art freely to the great audience, a space to exchange ideas, inspiration. A place to hear each other!
Each Friday, during five month, from May to September, at the heart of Chernihiv, Zelena Scena will be acquainting the guests and residents of our city with young Ukrainian talents – actors, musicians, poets, knights of the brush, photographers and craftsmen. Among the participants of the project – musical bands from Chernihiv along with the bands from all over Ukraine.
Live music, far from grey estrade and mainstream folklore, free and out-of-bounds creativity – is in the focus of our project. It only should be modern and catching.
The main peculiarity of the performances we would call their live acoustic or semi-acoustic sounding and direct affinity with the audience. The rules are simple: no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking! Just freedom, creativity and live communication!
Zelena Scena is and will always be a non-profit, apolitical project. All expenses are handled by Che Studio Creative Agency. We are interested in the development of tourism and creative space in Chernihiv, so we are in constant search of ideas, possibilities and support. Let’s come together! 🙂